Chapel Closure - October 11-15

Rectory Office Closed Monday 10/14

Forty Hours Eucharistic Devotions

Vote 2024

Marian Tea

We had a beautiful afternoon on Sunday, October 13 for our Marian Tea. After praying the Rosary in the Chapel, several of our parishioners gathered to celebrate the Blessed Mother in this Month of the Holy Rosary with a Marian Tea. A great time was had by all! Thank you to Michele Hundermark, Eileen Plover, and their team for their great work, and to all who attended! Photos can be found here.

Blessing of Animals

We had a beautiful afternoon for our Blessing of Animals on Sunday, October 6, in honor of St. Francis of Assisi's feast day, which was Friday, October 4. A totalof 59 dogs, 1 cat, and 1 lizard were joined by their families to be blessed. Everyone - pets and owners alike - enjoyed some treats. Praise God for the gift our pets are in our lives!  Click here for photos!

2024 Parish Picnic!

The gray skies didn't stop us... the 2024 OLPH Parish Picnic on Sunday, September 29 was a resounding success! Everyone must have had their Blessed Mother statues in their windows because the rain held off until the last person left! So many THANKS to ALL who made it possible: members of the Knights of Columbus, members of the OLPH Parish Youth Group, DJ Tommy Tunes, those who helped set up and clean up, those who brought food share, and ALL who attended! Nearly 3x more people attended this year than last!
Click here for photos from the 2024 OLPH Parish Picnic! The photos truly don't do justice to the great time had by all.  God bless you!
- Fr. Artman

Mass Times / Confessions / Eucharistic Adoration


All Masses are celebrated in Church.


Monday through Saturday: 9:00 AM
(No Mass on Wednesday)

Daily Masses are livestreamed on the Parish Facebook page (@OLPHmorton).
Livestreamed Masses are available for viewing exclusively at the time they are livestreamed.



Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM

Sunday: 8:00 AM ~ 10:00 AM ~ 12:00 PM

The 12:00 PM Sunday Mass is livestreamed on the Parish Facebook page (@OLPHmorton).
Livestreamed Masses are available for viewing exclusively at time they are livestreamed.



SATURDAY: 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Other times by Appointment.  Please call 610-543-1046.



Our Chapel is open for Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament
from 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM daily.


Parish Bulletin

Click HERE
for the latest Parish Bulletin.

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Mass Intentions and Memorial Opportunities


2025 Mass Intention Book
is now open.
Please call or stop by the Rectory.

All Mass Intentions for 2024 are currently filled.

Announced Mass Intentions are available for weekday, weekend, and Holy Day Masses.
$10 donation.
Unannounced Mass Intentions, celebrated without a particular date and time, are also available.
$5 donation.
Mass Intentions can be for living or deceased loved ones.

We have Sanctuary Lamps available in the Church and the Chapel.
These Intentions will be announced in our Bulletin and are for the week.
They are accompanied with a card that you may give to the recipient.
$10 donation.

We offer Altar Bread and Wine for the week.
These intentions will be announced in our Bulletin
and are accompanied by a card you may give to the recipient.
$20 donation.


OLPH Memorial Society:

For a minimum donation of $15 someone is enrolled into the Memorial Society. 
The 9:00 AM Mass Intention every First Friday is for “All Those Enrolled in the OLPH Memorial Society.” Those who are enrolled into the OLPH Memorial Society
receive a special Memorial enrollment card with padded folder.


Additional Memorials Available:

Floral Arrangements for our Church and Chapel can be donated in memory of a loved one.
Please contact the Rectory. 
In addition, other memorial or commemoration opportunities are available.
Please speak with Father Artman.


That Man is You / TMIY

OLPH Parish will be hosting a men’s program called That Man is You (TMIY). It will run 13 consecutive Saturday mornings, from September 21 through December 14. For more information, please click HERE. To register, simply scan the QR code above, or see the contact information on the flyer.

Men's COR Meetings


Your invited to attend the bi-weekly COR MEETING and join other men from our area to learn from and help each other grow as men in these challenging and confusing times. 

Meetings can include a brief presentation on a topic critical to the varied roles we have as married and single men followed by a time of hearing from one another as well as invited guests. Among us we find the experience and wisdom, guidance and encouragement to live out our lives as God intends.

Meetings take place every other Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM in the OLPH Rectory Meeting Room. For more information, contact Jim Minnick at 610-457-1828 or email

The COR Meeting is sponsored by Marian Council #3753 of the Knights of Columbus.


The Flame of Love Holy Hour

The Flame of Love (FOL) is Jesus Himself, who desires to empower faithful souls to combat the evils of sin, lukewarmness, and indifference. The FOL Movement revives tepid souls enabling them to embrace: Daily Mass and Rosary, Eucharistic Adoration, Holy Hours, and Fasting. The devotion is church approved and has been spreading throughout the United States since 2013.  Saving souls is the mission of the Flame of Love.  We host a weekly FOL Holy Hour of Reparation in the chapel each Friday from 1:00 to 2:00 PM.  For more information, please call Deacon Ron or Julie Kelley at 610-544-0386.

The FOL Pilgrim Virgin Statue is now available to visit your home for a week!  Please prayerfully consider inviting Our Lady into your home.  Testimonies of peace, comfort, healing and hope abound with those who have opened their door to the FOL Pilgrim Virgin Statue.  More information about this Devotion is available in the Flame of Love Pilgrim Virgin Statue Binder that accompanies the statue.  The Flame of Love Prayer Book is also provided for your private prayer time.  To reserve your week, please use this Sign Up Geniuslink or contact Julie Kelley at 610-544-0386.


For more information on retreats at Malvern Retreat House,
click here.

A Guide to Christian & Catholic Senior Living

Children's Liturgy of the Word


Children's Liturgy of the Word is celebrated on Sundays at the 10:00 AM Mass.
Grade School-aged children are invited to listen to God’s Word and ponder its meaning,
but in a way suited to their abilities and their interests.
At the conclusion of Children's Liturgy of the Word, the children rejoin their parents
for the entire assembly’s celebration of the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

Scrip Program


Make shopping easier and help our Parish at the same time!

Click HERE to Download/Print SCRIP Order Form

All buyers receive a 5% rebate on all gift cards totaling up to $5,000.00 (discount equaling $250.00).
Any purchase over $5,000.00 receives a 2% rebate toward your tuition.
Gift cards are purchased through the Rectory; payment by cash or check (made out to OLPH). 

Gift cards are available Monday through Friday in the Rectory from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.

Receive your rebate ("chit") toward any Catholic institution, grades Pre-K through College.
Please see below. In April, turn in your chits to redeem them for your 5% rebate.


  • Acme ~ $25.00 & $50.00 & $100.00 gift cards
  • Giant ~ $25.00 & $50.00 & $100.00 gift cards
  • ShopRite (also good for Price Rite) ~ $25.00 & $50.00 & $100.00 gift cards
  • Roy Tweedy ~ $10.00 certificates
  • Colonial Village (SPRINGFIELD) ~ $10.00
  • Kohl’s ~ $25.00 & $50.00 & $100.00 gift cards
  • CVS ~ $25.00 gift cards
  • Macy’s ~ $25.00 gift cards
  • Ross ~ $ 25.00 gift cards                                                
  • T.J. Maxx / HomeGoods / Marshalls ~ $25.00 gift cards

Redemption of Scrip Chits:

  • Chits can be redeemed for any Catholic‑based educational institution, at any level (Pre-K through college)This also includes a Parish’s PREP program.
  • The chit redemption check will be made out directly to the institution to be in compliance with Archdiocese of Philadelphia guidelines.
  • Any chits not presented during the redemption period will be used for general church purposes.  Chits cannot be carried over past the deadline.


Catholic Charities Appeal 2024

OLPH has purchased a gift for you!

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